Friday, February 5, 2010

What is the sampling distribution's true purpose?

I understand the formula but what I don,t get is what I'm supposed to deduced from the score.

Say I have a sampling distribution of 2. Is that good or bad?

Is it just that it gives us a standard score and that this standard score tells us the likelihood of getting that score in a normal population?What is the sampling distribution's true purpose?
The sampling distribution tells you how likely it is that any statistics you calculate from your sample apply to the whole population. For example if you wanted to calculate the average IQ of a city, then obviously the most accurate way of doing this would be test everyone in the city. If you take a sample of that population and test them, you can calculate a mean. The sampling distribution tells you how likely it is that the mean of your sample differs from that of the whole population. If you want your survey to be accurate to within, say 2 IQ points, then you need to choose a sufficiently large sample size such that the sampling distribution is 2. This is neither intrinsically good nor bad - it purely depends on what you want to achieve.

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